In the fast paced visually digital world we live in these days, more so than ever it is important for businesses to be able to create their own brand imagery. There is a balance to be had in having professional images taken for your brand and being able to take your own photos to complement them.
Having worked alongside entrepreneurs and creative businesses since 2014, I am able to share my knowledge and advice with you, to help you learn a valuable skill for your business. These courses have been designed and written specifically with your sector in mind.
The courses each have a series of videos to help you improve your photography. All ready and loaded for you to learn at your own pace.
Brand Photography
The Details
A masterclass to help you improve the photos you take of yourself at home or in your workspace (because I know you can’t always have a brand photographer on hand!)
Cake Photography
Want to learn to take better photos of your cake and sweet treat creations? This “learn at your own pace” course will take you through everything you need to know to improve your photography so you can really showcase the intricate details of your cake designs.
Floral Photography
The Details
Want to learn to take better photos of your beautiful floral designs? This “learn at your own pace” course will take you through everything you need to know to improve your photography so you can really showcase your creativity with flowers