Northamptonshire brand shoot with Brand Coach Bonnie

UK Brand Shoots

Working with brand designers is always fun and so easy as you can guarantee they have a clear vision of what their brand shoot needs to look like.  So when Bonnie booked a lifestyle brand shoot at a beautiful Northamptonshire shoot house (The Grey Barn is an absolute dream) I know that we’d have an awesome shoot.  Bonnie’s own brand is all about colour and pattern and I love how she embraced this in her wardrobe styling and props.  If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know  recently called BS on the trend that seems to be advising people to wear neutral colours, avoid patterns etc.  My clients show up as authentically them in their shoots – we talk through their wardrobe, how that represents them, their brand and their ideal clients.  Why would you show up in neutrals in a shoot to then meet your clients in technicolour?!  Anyway, before I climb back on that soap box I want you to get to know Bonnie…


What first got you into your field?

After years in the corporate world of fashion buying and working my way up, I got to a point with 2 small children that the travel and expectations were too much and I needed to make a change. I went to work for a very small gifting brand where I was one of six employees and gained so much insight into set up brands and marketing. I then went into work for a mid sized interior brand where I was the comms and CRM manager. Over the last few years I reconnected with lots of my amazing peers who had started their own brands in clothing, accessories, travel and more and asked for my help with how to strategize and market themselves and that’s where Bonnie your brand coach started.


What’s your favourite thing about the work that you do?

I get to be part of the storytelling behind so many varied and interesting brands, and I get to help people achieve their goals and dreams. It’s so rewarding when you see the work they put in, on your advice, pay off.



“I had heard great things and seen amazing results, but it was more my own insecurities. Amanda made me feel so relaxed and because we had put in the prep work I felt like we knew each other, and she really understood my brand and style.

The atmosphere at the shoot was so relaxed, like friends chatting. But also I felt reassured that Amanda’s was capturing all the shots we had discussed and more within the time frame, she had it all under control.

Amanda is a very talented photographer but she is also so organised and professional and makes the process seamless. She is worth every penny!

The photos have really elevated my socials but have also been pinnacle in building my website and really brought it altogether. I can also use them in so many different ways across all platforms, they have been so versatile.”



What is a ‘reality’ of your work that other people don’t realise?

That I still work as a CRM manager as well as running my brand coaching businesses, but they really do enhance one another as I’m constantly learning from both roles.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? (can be on anything!)

That success starts with your mindset. I have really worked on mindset this year, addressing imposter syndrome and money mindset. It’s a constant that needs feeding to make sure you truly believe you can achieve what you set out to.


What’s your cocktail / mocktail of choice?

Ohhh I love a cocktail. I think it has to be a Mojito, minty and fresh! And very easy to drink!


And if you want to check out Bonnie then you can find her here:

Website (with her new images up already!):

Instagram: @bonnieyourbrandcoach

Facebook: Bonnie Your Brand Coach


Want to book your own Northamptonshire brand shoot (or anywhere really!) to update those visuals and show your clients who you really are?  Let’s chat!

August 28, 2024


