How to use autumnal stock images in your business marketing

Business Advice



I don’t know about you but I love this time of year… Ok maybe not the rain but the cosy jumpers, legit reason to drink hot chocolate and I adore the autumnal tones.  So it’s one of my favourite seasons to create stock images for – Christmas being my fave so watch this space.  But I know a few people are wondering do they really need to be adding pumpkins and jumpers to their marketing…. Well, in short, if you want to have images that are relevant to where your audience are then yes you do.


Autumnal mock up stock images for phone, book and tablet by London brand photographer AKP Branding Stories


And here’s how to use Autumnal Stock Images:

  • if you’re launching ANYTHING this season then using mock ups that fit the season are more likely to grab attention and stop the scroll than then same ol’ desk mock up you see everywhere
  • overlay inspirational quotes, top tips or client testimonials to add interest
  • if you’re a hot chocolate or PSL fan then this is the season to shout about it – after all, showing the things you love are a great way for your audience to get to know you, and you know what that builds……. Know, Like and Trust!
  • Autumn is more than just pumpkins, but if you do celebrate Halloween, then a cheeky pumpkin image on the grid on the 31st October is nod to it without turning your socials all ghostly, unless that’s your vibe
  • And finally, if you’ve been strategic in your brand shoots and have autumnal images of you, then autumnal stock photos will compliment them beautifully.


Autumnal stock images of coffees, leaves and knitted jumpers by London brand photographer AKP Branding Stories


If you want to add some stylish seasonal flair to your brand this Autumn with seasonal stock images then the new collections are live in The AKP Branding Stories Stock Photography Shop!


As with all my collections, these images are gracefully and permanently retired once they sell out, so you don’t have to worry about every other online coach using your images.  


September 20, 2023


